




2025 Luca Roberto Farris

2025 Luca Roberto Farris

Where You At? Promted Short Film


Nov 15, 2023

Prompt: Without using dialogue, voice over or music with lyrics, create a film that is under two minutes and is about a character making a difficult decision. Show that the character is pulled in two different directions at an emotional level, visualize their process of consideration and show that they make a decision.

Prompt: Without using dialogue, voice over or music with lyrics, create a film that is under two minutes and is about a character making a difficult decision. Show that the character is pulled in two different directions at an emotional level, visualize their process of consideration and show that they make a decision.

A young teenager struggles to what seems like a life-changing decision.


Directed by Luca Farris

Starring Matthew Lewis, Konrad Berryhill

Edited by Luca Farris

Music by Emitt Fenn, Kian Odongo

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